Is it possible for us to notice our own spiritual growth and maturity as followers of Christ? What is our role in growing spiritually and what is God’s? Why is…
How is one justified before a holy God? Do we work to make ourselves right before God or do we need outside intervention? What is the difference between simply having…
Why was it necessary for Jesus to come live a perfect life and then die on the cross? In what way was Christ our substitute? How did the love of…
Has the existence of sin, darkness and death caught God off guard? Did God have a plan to reconcile sinners to Himself and restore His image in them? Did our…
Who is Jesus Christ? Where did He come from and why did He walk among us? How can He be both fully God and fully man? Jesus Christ is the…

God: The Living God

September 12, 2013
Who is God and what is He like? Why is it so important to have a right understanding of who God is? Why is it important to know God personally…
What does the whole Bible teach about itself? The teachings of the Bible about itself can be classified into roughly four categories; (1) the Authority of Scripture, it is God’s…
What is the Bible and how did we get it? Why is it important that the Bible be the basis for all that we believe? The Bible is God’s written…